Additional material – Follow the Glider Through Ocean Tue, 02 Nov 2021 15:57:20 +0100 en-US hourly 1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL Tue, 28 May 2013 08:03:09 +0000 Hello, teacher!

We are going to offer you a teaching guide to help you take full advantage of Follow the Glider with your students. The guide includes activities that enable learners to consolidate the knowledge they have just acquired about the features, operation, and importance of gliders. These activities are intended for classroom use, to be carried out after walking students through the different areas of the website, so they are already familiar with its contents.

As you can see, the activities are not broken down into different learning levels. You will be the one to determine which of the activities to use and how to focus them according to your students’ grade and interest level. Happy gliding!

  • TEACHER’S GUIDE:  Educational tool for finding out what underwater gliders are and learning about their importance for coastal research (PDF)
  • STUDENT BOOK: Discover the ocean’s secrets with underwater gliders (PDF)
  • ACTIVITY: Colour the glider and label its parts (PDF)

